                             By:  Jason Compton

It's worth taking a second quick swing through Almathera's "Effect
painting" system, Photogenics.

Of particular interest is that V 1.2 will be available to all registered
users in mid to late March, according to Jolyon Ralph of Almathera.  The
only enhancement I was told about was the addition of the Harlequin and
other Grafexa-style graphics cards to the new render-able boards.
Almathera is planning to work on DCTV and IV24, and is looking for
information on the Firecracker24.

If there's one feature I failed to cover completely last issue, it's the
selectable brushtypes.  Since the effect system is based around painting
effects onto an image, it's only reasonable to support different ways of
"applying" the effects.  And that's what you get.

A good dozen or so different types, allowing different nuances of pressure
and "texture".  After experimenting for a while, you'll begin to appreciate
the power Photogenics picks up from the direct power the user has over the

Almathera has created an innovative way of handling an old project.  While
it is not, in itself, a solution for all occasions, it allows users at all
levels to create visual masterpieces.  Just play with the watercolor
function a while, you'll see what I mean.

Price: Approx. 55 UKP, US$90.

Southerton House
Boundary Business Court
92-94 Church Road
+44 081 687 0040 voice
+44 081 687 0490 fax

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